Tag: train
4 Ways Leaders Build Culture
Culture is the squishy stuff in an organization that leaders talk about but usually have a hard time articulating. Even more difficult is identifying clear actionable steps to build and reinforce a desired culture. Here are four steps you can begin to implement this week to start building the desired culture in your church or…
3 steps to developing your team and building a leadership culture
Few churches have an established culture of Leadership and Staff Development. There are a lot of reasons why this happens but; it’s primarily driven by a natural drift that takes place from leading people to doing ministry. Once that shift takes place developing people takes a back seat to getting tasks accomplished and it becomes…
Creating a Healthy Leadership Culture in your Church
Culture can be defined as the defining set of values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of any one group. It is something that is usually unnoticed, unspoken, and unexamined, particularly in Churches. As a result, few churches ever take steps towards intentionally defining and building a desired culture; instead it usually happens by default. It’s very…