Tag: team

  • Why the Grass isn’t Greener at that other Church

    Why the Grass isn’t Greener at that other Church

    If you haven’t noticed, church staffing has become a competitive market in recent years. So much so that a quick Google search of “Church Staff Search Firms” will provide you with a list of companies whose entire purpose is to help staff local churches, and whom didn’t exist 20 years ago. By the way, some…

  • Leaders are the Culture

    Leaders are the Culture

    Everywhere I turn it seems like people are talking about culture. Team culture, staff culture, and organizational culture. How to build a healthy culture and how to avoid a toxic one. But what about the culture at your church? How do you know what your church culture actually is and how can you change it…

  • How to Build a Problem-Solving Culture at your Church

    How to Build a Problem-Solving Culture at your Church

    The best ideas don’t always come from where you think they come from. In the Church we tend to hire professional pastors who are supposed have all of the answers. After all pastors go to seminary to learn theology and all kinds of good stuff about the Bible and how to teach it. The very…

  • 2 Fatal Church Leadership Mistakes

    2 Fatal Church Leadership Mistakes

    When it comes to leading a church, there a lot of things that can go wrong that are outside of a pastor’s control. However, the other side of that coin is also true. There are a lot of wrong things that pastors do that are well within their control. This isn’t an exhaustive list by…

  • 5 Keys to Growing your Church in 2019

    5 Keys to Growing your Church in 2019

    I’ve never met a church leader that didn’t want things at their church to to change for the better. They want more people to say yes to following Jesus, they want people to become better friends with God, and they want their churches to think more about people outside of the church than those already…