Tag: structure
Top Posts of 2018 #5 “4 Indicators your Church is Moving in the Wrong Direction”
The “why” behind church growth and decline are always topics that generate a lot of interest here and this year was no different. This post was the 5th most popular post of the year! You may have heard me tell the story of a church that started years ago in the Phoenix east valley. This…
How to know when the Systems at your Church are Broken
The systems you build at your church can help move you towards your mission or keep you from it. Building great systems in your church is the art of connecting the values, structures, strategies, goals, and vision to work in alignment that builds a culture that leans towards accomplishing the mission. Systems are made up…
4 Indicators your Church is Moving in the Wrong Direction
You may have heard me tell the story of a church that started years ago in the Phoenix east valley. This church plant grew rapidly. Helping new people meet Jesus, they became one of the first mega churches in the east valley. Eventually the pastor, under whose leadership this growth took place, left and the…
Is your Church Designed to get Stuck?
Your church is perfectly designed to get the results you’re currently getting. You’ve probably heard that said before. That means if your church is stuck it’s probably because it’s been designed to be stuck. Now I know you didn’t do that on purpose, I know you want to reach as many people with the Gospel…
Can a Congregationally-Led Church be Healthy?
Why are the majority of small churches in America congregationally-led instead of being led by pastors and ministry staff? Here’s a short history lesson: The congregational style of church government finds its sustained growth in the birth of our nation. The driving force behind people risking everything to sail to the new land was to…