Tag: love
Why a Great Strategy Won’t Grow your Church
If you know anything about me, you know that I’m a strategy guy. It’s how God has wired me up. It’s my best place in the Church. Strategy bridges the gap between where we are and where we’re going. Mission answers the question: “Why do we exist?” Vision answers the question: “Where are we going?”…
Why I Love Working at Sun Valley Community Church
When I was a freshman in High School I prayed a prayer, begging God to let me to be a part of helping thousands of people meet Him. It’s crazy to think that all of these years later God is answering those prayers. Every year at Sun Valley Community Church we share wins from the…
Global Leadership Summit 2013: Dr. Brene Brown
Dr. Brene Brown, Research Professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work did an incredible job speaking about the vulnerability of a leader. Dr. Brown is a groundbreaking researcher into the topics of shame, worthiness, and courage. Check out her book Daring Greatly. I don’t study leaders, I study people The 2…
Global Leadership Summit 2013: Bob Goff
Founder and CEO of Restore International, Attorney, and Author of the incredible book Love Does. In his unique style Bob talked about how love takes action. You don’t have to talk people into Jesus just lead them to Him Stalkers know stuff about Jesus…but they don’t know Jesus If you can answer these 2 questions…
how to change your marriage
The easiest and most productive step you can take to change your marriage is to change yourself! After being married for the past 15 years and providing coaching and shepherding to other marriages during that same period of time in full-time ministry; one of the most simple and yet most powerful lessons I’ve learned is…