Tag: eq

  • Avoidance: The Silent Killer of a Team

    Avoidance: The Silent Killer of a Team

    Great teams keep short accounts and normalize feedback, which allow them to make small degrees of change along the way. These behaviors allow great teams to create feedback loops, innovate, and test new solutions quickly. The problem? Most teams aren’t great teams. Most teams don’t have the courage to be that honest with one another.…

  • Bringing your Blind Spots into Focus

    Bringing your Blind Spots into Focus

    Have you ever experienced someone talking on speakerphone or face-timing in public? This has happened to me twice lately. In both cases not only was it distracting and rude to everyone around these people but they were totally unaware of how obnoxious their behavior was and how others perceived them in the moment. That’s usually…

  • Leadership Summit 2016: Dr. Travis Bradberry

    Leadership Summit 2016: Dr. Travis Bradberry

    Emotional Intelligence is often talked about but rarely understood. Yet it’s one of the most significant performance indicators that you can control that will determine the success or failure you find in your job. Bestselling Author and Co-Founder of TalentSmart, Dr. Travis Bradberry gave a great presentation that will help you raise your E.Q. Emotional…