Tag: confrontation

  • 10 Articles that will Help your Church Make Vision Real

    10 Articles that will Help your Church Make Vision Real

    Each month I curate the top 10 most popular blog posts I’ve shared recently. These are the articles that got had the greatest engagement in the past month. They were the most visited, shared, helpful or disagreed with. At any rate, thanks for staying in contact with me through engaging in the content on this site,…

  • The Difference between Politics and Leadership

    The Difference between Politics and Leadership

    If you’ve ever served on a church staff team, if you’ve ever volunteered at a high level in a church, or frankly if you’ve just simply been around church-world for a while you know that churches can be very political. I don’t mean political in the sense of Republican or Democrat, although some churches go…

  • The Art of Difficult Conversations

    The Art of Difficult Conversations

    If you lead a team long enough, eventually there are going to be some difficult conversations that are going to happen. No one wants to have difficult conversations, there’s nothing fun about them. But if you care about the team and if you care about your teammates then eventually someone is going to need to…