Like you, I’ve had the opportunity to be around some great leaders, and then again some not so great leaders. What I’ve found is the longer I go the less inclined I am to follow just anyone, even if the “leader-label” has been attached to them somewhere along the line. So what am I looking for in someone that I’m willing to follow? Check out the list below and you may discover that you just might be the kind of person that I’d follow!
1. Directional
They’ve got to have a clear picture about where they’re going if I’m going to go there with them. And that picture has to inspire me to jump in and chase after it with them. I’m interested in going somewhere, not wandering around in a desert for 40 years.
2. Deliberate
I want to follow someone who is intentional about how they’re getting where they’re going. There are times when inventions or innovations are stumbled upon. But I’m interested in following someone who thinks with the end in mind.
3. Decisive
Few people truly have the courage and the wisdom to make difficult decisions well. Leaders are paid to make decisions and the higher you go in leadership the more complicated and widespread the consequences of those decisions are.
4. Delegation
If you can’t delegate both responsibility and authority I’m not interested in following you. I don’t want to follow someone who doesn’t trust their team, can’t let go, and ultimately is a micro-manager.
5. Developer
If you don’t care enough about me to invest in me and develop me, I’m not going to give you my heart and follow you. You don’t need to hold my hand or be my best friend, but develop me professionally.
6. Determined
Any organization that is doing anything that matters is going to be criticized. World changing work is not for the faint of heart. If you’re not determined about where we’re going and you shrink back from criticism or difficulty I’m not following you.
7. Delivers
If you don’t have a proven track record of delivering on your promise, moving people and an organization from where they are to a desired future, I’m not going with you.
What are you looking for in the kind of leader you’re willing to follow?
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