Few churches have an established culture of Leadership and Staff Development. There are a lot of reasons why this happens but; it’s primarily driven by a natural drift that takes place from leading people to doing ministry. Once that shift takes place developing people takes a back seat to getting tasks accomplished and it becomes a downward spiral. Below is a 3-step process that you can begin to use to build a culture of Leadership Development on your Team and break the vicious cycle:
Leaders train for understanding. Most people aren’t obstinate, they’re ignorant and need you to train them and clearly lay out expectations. This is all about, “why you do what you do.” This can be done with many people at a time and is usually a one shot deal, often accomplished in an hour or a day.
Leaders coach for implementation. There is a particular way you expect things to be done in your organization. Nothing is more deflating than a great idea that is poorly implemented. This is all about, “how you do what it is you do.” This can be done with a small group of people at a time and happens over a short period of time, often 3-12 months.
Leaders mentor for multiplication. You can’t do this alone. If your vision is going to become real it is going to take more than you to get it done. Or your vision is too small. This is all about, “multiplying who you are.” This is done one on one and takes place over an extended period of time, often years.
What are some “best practices” you’ve seen implemented to build a leadership culture in your church or organization? Leave a comment!
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